Press pause to let the healing begin

The power of rest

Rest does not mean watching Netflix or scrolling your phone. Rest means going against the societal norm, making the radical decision to pause, do less, and just be. Reiki healing lets you enter a deeply restoring state of rest and from there anything is possible.


Reiki is a gentle healing form that breaks the fast-paced cycle of everyday life and lets you reconnect with your Self through a state of deep rest and relaxation. Hands-on touch allows for life energy to enter your body and oxytocin to be released. This is how the healing process begins


"Who am I?" That's the great divine question. Among many things, I'm a Reiki healer and Yoga teacher. With plenty of personal experience from dealing with work-related stress and anxiety in my previous career, I've now made it my mission in life to facilitate, hold space for, and inspire practices of rest and healing. I believe that when well-rested, we can change the world.


"I felt super alert and relaxed after the session. A worry that had gnawed at me was completely gone and I enjoyed this sensation the rest of the evening. Thank you, beautiful you."

Char, Distance Reiki

"I jumped up from the sofa straight after the session feeling completely alert and energised. I had a wonderful time and feel so amazing now. Thank you!"

Jennie, Distance Reiki

"I had this wonderful, tingling sensation in my body last night after the session, and today I feel so energised and happy. A very luxurious feeling to be having in the middle of December!"

Sanna, Hands on Reiki

“I feel amazing. My body still feels deeply relaxed and grounded after yesterday's Reiki healing. Thank you for taking so good care of me. And what an amazing session room. I'm overwhelmed.”

Maria, Hands on Reiki

“Wow, yesterday's Reiki session really worked some kind of magic on me. I feel so much like I'm back in my own body and woke up with such great energy. Thanks again!”

Ellen, Hands on Reiki

“Lovely Johanna. I feel so good. Afterwards, it was like I'd gotten this deep massage. I felt tired, yet completely at ease. Today, however, I feel like I'm filled with new energy. It's wonderful.”

Veronica, Hands on Reiki